CBNs Favourite Literature etc. and own writings
FULL-TEXT ARTICLES: CBN: New Music and Improvisation (1995) * DANSK:CBN: "Improvisation - nu og før (1995) * CBN: "Some Experimental Developments on the Background of Danish "Contemporary Music" Concert Life" (1996) * DANSK: CBN: Sprog som musikalsk notation (1998) * DANSK: CBN + HR: Psykodynamisk musikterapi med voksne udviklingshæmmede (1994) * CBN: Pluralism in progress. England - the place for radical improvised Music (1998) * Erhard Karkoshka: Aspects of Group Improvisation (1971) * DANSK: Intuitiv musik og grafisk notation. Om to musikalske træningsdiscipliner og deres teoretiske baglande (1999). ENGLISH: Intuitive Music and Graphic Notation at Aalborg University. On Two Musical Training Disciplines Within Music Therapy Education and their Theoretical Backgrounds * DANSK:CBN + Jørgen Lekfeldt: Genopdag Polyfonien! I anledning af år 2000 * Festlegen/Umreißen/Andeuten/Hervorrufen. Analytisches zu den Textkompositionen Stockhausens (1997) * Charles C. Ford: "Free Collective Improvisation in Higher Education (1995)" * CBN: Offene Komposition und andere Künste (2002) * Komposition und Musiktherapie - Voneinander lernen. Form und Inhalt in der Musiktherapie (2003) * CBN: Sharpening the Process. On musical composition - composition, interaction, methods (2003) * Vinko Globokar: Reacting (1970) * DANSK: Jørgen Lekfeldt: Stockhausens musik - utopien og teologien (1987) * Maria Frej: Det konserverende konservatorium? Om komponistuddannelsen på Det Kgl. Danske Musikkonservatorium (1997) * Fixing/Circumscribing/Suggesting/Evoking. An analysis of Stockhausen’s text pieces (1997/2006) * Åbne kompositioner og frit improviseret musik (til gymnasielærere) (2007) * Pluralism in contemporary improvised concert music (2001) * Fri musikimprovisation - en vej mod udvikling af kulturfri kommunikation? cand pæd. speciale af Felix Becker, 2005 (interviews bla. m CBN)* Open Sound" - music as sound you can produce and modify. Musical material and improvisational performance practices in experimental music after 1945 (2007) * The Picnic Principle. How improvisors co-ordinate their playing of consecutive sections in open compositions (2008) * Keywords in musical free improvisation in music (2010/17)* Hinsides intentionerne (2011) * Åben komposition - et manifest (2013) * Brücke zwischen Komposition und Improvisation? "Schwarm 13" (2017) * Musik mitteilen (2016) * RABR Analysis - Rating Degrees of Openness in Experimental Repertory (2017) * Creativity is not a speciality. Western Cultural Democratisation and Logos (for the 50 years jubilee) *
BOOKS/TREATISES:Tom Nunn: Wisdom of the Impulse. On the Nature of Musical Free Improvisation (1998). Download. * Sound is multi-dimensional. Parameter analysis as a tool for creative music making (2006) [Anthology of 36 compositions by CBNs students with translations and parameter theory]" * Vermittlungen - musically speaking Article collection on improvisation training of music therapists *
SMALL BOOKS: Intuitive Musik - A Mini-Handbook. Exercise collection by CBN (2001). Download (Word-format, 313KB). * Graphic Notation. Systematic exercises in making Aural Scores (1992f).
COLLECTION OF ARTICLES: Vermittlungen - musically speaking . Bilingual - contributions in both German and English. On improvisation training of music therapists. CBN is both publisher and contributor. (2002)
SHORT ARTICLES ETC.: * CBN: Improvisors are like hunters...(1998) * DANSK: Improvisationsfestival SOUNDS99 i Stockholm 1999. (1999) * Advice to Young Composers Concerning Notation (2000) * A note on music and graphic design (2000) * DANSK: Gamle misforståelser - om 4' 33" af John Cage. Læserbrev (2002) * E-Interview by Stephen Chase with CBN (for a research project, 2002-03). * Leserbrief MusikTexte 96, Febr. 2002 (Haltung und/oder Handlung...) / ENGLISH VERSION: Letter to the editor of MusikTexte 96, February 2002 (Attitude and/or action...) * Leserbrief MusikTexte, Dezember 2003 (Peter Niklas Wilson und Serialismus als Klangforschung) / ENGLISH VERSION:Letter to the editor of MusikTexte, December 2003 (Peter Niklas Wilson and serialism as research into sound) * Einige Betrachtungen zur Intuitiven Musik (2004) * Japan Impressions (2005). * Some glimpses of Makoto Nomuras Compositional Methods (2005). Also in Japanese here. * Interview with CBN Aaron Wilhelm (2005) * HOW IT's DONE - some examples of interpretative freedom in practise from Samfundet's Text & Graphix Catalogue (2001) * HVORDAN GØR MAN - nogle eksempler på fortolkningsfriheden i praksis fra Samfundet til Udgivelse af Dansk Musiks Text & Graphix katalog (2001) * Email discussions (2003-04, 2006, 2008, 2020-21)* DANSK: Læserbrev om Stockhausen, Dec. 2007* Formalising and Flow. Some comments to Kenneth Aigen: ”Social interaction in jazz (...) (2013)* * Reszension von Nanz: Aspekte der freien improvisation in der Musik (2011) * 30 år med musikterapi * Musikkens materiale og struktur (programartikel om Wolff, jørgen plaetner, Regin Petersen, Ivan Vincze, Toke Brorson Odin, Jørgen Lekfeldt, Niels Viggo Bentzon, Henrik Ehland Rasmussen (2013) * Collage in der Musik (2019). Eine Ergänzung zum Themenheft ”Improvisieren mit Fremdem/Fremden”, Improfil 82, Dez. 2019 *
This Month's Quotation * Previous quotations of the Month ... * Carl Bergstrøm-Nielsen