011216 Så du artiklerne om CBN i Dansk Musiktidsskrift... her er en rettelse. - KONCERT med BHGIM nu på tirsdag på Christianshavn.

021101 PROUDLY PRESENTING: Several big full-text articles now easily available in html-format !

021101 Some syntactic programming errors which might have disturbed email communication for around 20 hours have now been corrected. Please report if you encounter any technical problem with the site, thankyou in advance!


010901 This month's quotation features also an interview with headmaster Peter Danstrup, Rhythmic Music Conservatory, Copenhagen.

01/08/29 Update of Denmark's Intuitive Music Conference page with illustrations of scores, summary of discussion etc.

01/06/09 New interview with CBN at musicextreme.com DANSK: CBN holder 50 års reception 28.juli !

01/02/14 koncert: CBN og P.O. Jørgens spiller duo i København, DAO.

01/02/02 koncert med intuitiv musik i Odense torsdag 8. februar.

01/02/01: Nyt dansk pladeselskab med intuitiv musik! New record company in CD-guide: Intuitive Records (proudly presenting!). See their homepage.

01/01/22: koncert med improvisationer og klassisk musik i Hillerød Kirke 4. februar

24/11 00. New pictures by Tytte Buus on DIMC page. New vinyl release with and over music by CBN. Dansk: ny vinylplade-udgivelse med musik af CBN.

21/11 00. Dansk: Ny sektion med anmeldelser (se dem før dmt's læsere!).

15/11 00. Intuitive music concert with BH Group for Intuitive Music, Copenhagen.

6/10 00. DANSK: koncert med 2 sange af CBN.

28/9 00. Picture of DIMC 2000 participants. DANSK: Ideer til hurra-råb ved festlige lejligheder

14/9 00. CBN appearance on vinyl by Goodiepal (outside of improvised category but must be covered under CBN anyway) - DANSK: CBN på vinyl arr. af Goodiepal (ikke improviseret men CBN bor jo her) - !

11/9 00. DANSK Av-Art Efterårsfestival i Kbh. under opsejling!

1/9 00. Japanese CD release with CBN - Japansk CD-udgivelse med CBN.

31/8 00. Oops, an addition to the note on music and graphic design.

21/8 00. New short article by CBN: A note on music and graphic design

19/8 00. A new randomly chosen picture on this index page each time you go to it!

16/8 00. DIMC page updated with reports from DIMC 2000.

3/8 00. DIMC Intuitive Ensemble koncert i Svendborg fredag 11. august..

18/7 00. New text by CBN, Advice to Young Composers Concerning Notation.

2/6 00. Dansk: ny afdeling med udvalgte koncerter . Aktuelt: musik af Stockhausen, Vincze, CBN samt fri improvisation, onsdag 14. juni kl. 16, Kbh.

30/5 00. New section with guides (CD-guide has moved here. Ny på DANSK: improvisationsgrupper).

23/5 00. Besonders für Deutsche: kuriose Zitate über Improvisation.

11/5 00. Denmark's Intuitive Music Conference programme 11-13th August 2000 is out - click here.

28/4 00. To spændende koncerter med improviseret musik og CBN 7/5 og 14/5 i København, klik her!

13/4 00. Tryllehaven has now e-mail address.

25/2 00. New link to Entropy Records on cd info-page.

21/1 00. Nightingale sound and transcription added to Birdsong

11/2 00 For approx. the last 24 hours, a technical snafu made a few pages inaccessible. This is now corrected.

4/2 00 DANSK Nytårs-manifest-artikel "Genopdag polyfonien!" af CBN og Jørgen Lekfeldt i fuldtekst.

1/1 00 Year 2000 Experimental Notations event calendar cancelled - read here.

1/12 99 New full-text article by CBN on his student training disciplines at Aalborg University.

1/12 99 Denmark's Intuitive Music Conference 2000 - announcement and new pictures from dimc 1999.

1/12 99 DANSK: GIM - 25 år i intuitiv musik. Jubilæumskoncert i København - klik her.

 1/11 99 DANSK: Rapport fra improvisationsfestival SOUNDS99 i Stockholm, 7-10 Oktober 1999.

23/9 99 Should anyone have been frustrated by the e-mail adress to publisher Samfundet having been changed ... this is now updated.

13/9 99 Leo Records added to "How to get hold of improvised music on CD" - section.

3/9 99 New full-text article: "Some Experimental Developments on the Background of Danish "Contemporary Classical" Music Life (1996)"

19/7 99 Addition to catalogue of works: From the Danish Seasons. 5o improvisational pieces.

24/6 99 New link to Improvising Across Borders.

1/6 99 PROUDLY PRESENTED: the article "Aspects of Group Improvisation" (1971) by the German composer and musicologist Erhard Karkoschka translated for the first time into English and published at this site. Click here to see it!

1/6 99 (også DANSK): A useful list of How to Get Hold of Improvised Music CDs and Info- click here.

26/5 99 New dimc report. DANSK: jobannonce musikterapi udvidet med beskrivelse af aktiviteten mv.

26/4 99 New release of dimc music - click here!

22/3 99. Tryllehaven (The Magic Garden) has been included in the site - please see above. New expanded list of writings by CBN and about CBNs activites.

6/3 99. Birdsong has been added - hear and see for yourself!

8/3 99 An article by CBN published at The Improvisor - click here to go there directly.

From dimc page, link to new favourable reviews of dimc cd 001 - click here !

New links to The Improvisor and P-ART - the last one featuring a contribution of mine on the relation between improvisation and ocmposition.

DANSK: nyt link til Col Legno med en artikel af CBN om Sprog som musikalsk notation. 


Yours, Carl. :-)

Index page...