IIMA - International Improvised Music Archive         To  Front Page...


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Shareware is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License. For works publ. by Edition-S (New Year and Frameworks), however, standard Copyright apply.

Postcard-Music (1976)
Notes, performance history, playing material and sound
Fire-Music (1976)
Notes, performance history, playing material and sound
Game of Contrast
/Kontrast-spil (1980)

Notes, performance history, playing material and sound
A Carpet is Created
/Der væves et tæppe

Notes, performance History, playing material

New Year (1995)

Notes and Performance History
Playing material
Opportunities (2000)

Notes, performance history, playing material
Click HERE to get the JAPANESE version!
Frameworks 1 (2000)

Notes and Performance History
Playing material
Around Corners

Notes and Performance History
Playing material

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