STATUS 1. January 2000 Well! This project has given a lot of nice contacts and exchange. It has certainly been very good. But, the original idea of an event calendar is cancelled, since there was so little interest in it. Anyone interested in the subject is, however, encouraged to mail me for exchange of information and views - I am always curious to learn of the activities of others. Yours, Carl Bergstrøm-Nielsen. |
A project co-ordinated by Carl Bergstrøm-Nielsen (Composer, musician, teacher of improvisation and of graphic notation at Aalborg University, Denmark).
Please SCROLL this text...
For some more examples of experimental notations by myself - please see
cdvet.htm and cbnkate.htm .
Denmark's Intuitive Music Conference 2000 with "notations" as special theme - click here. |
Are you interested in experimental music notations? Then join the international celebration by planning a relevant event, big or small, for the year 2000 and having it listed on this website. Or, just make a comment on the idea and/or on the existing list of planned events. If you preapare an event you will benefit from being part of a collective effort in the jubilee year. Materials documenting activity in the year 2000 will afterwards be kept permanently in the Music Information Center of Copenhagen.
When, in the year 1000, Guido of Arezzo began to employ a fifth staff when writing music, he probably did not foresee he was laying the foundation of a notational system that would last the whole millenium. Towards the end of this millenium, however, modern and experimental composers began again to experiment with notation. This could be both in order to notate a broader universe of sound as well as to change the nature of the notation into a design meant to stimulate the performer's own creative powers.
WHY A MILLENNIUM CELEBRATION? New notations permit new sounds and free musicians from strict reproduction while retaining the basic idea of composition as that of going on a journey to a specific musical place. They express a hope for creative freedom and variety - both in musical life as well as elsewhere for the times to come!
During the year 2000, this site will contain an update event calendar and publication list.
HOW? Send me a mail with your ideas (adress: see below), or just with your comments (please state if you would NOT like to have your comments made public).
IMPORTANT - WHICH ACTIVITIES MAY ENTER? 1) Any public performance or educational actitity or publication (in sound or print) DEALING WITH EXPERIMENTAL NOTATION AND APPEARING WITHIN THE YEAR 2000.
2) Any musical, experimentally notated work (regardless whether performed or not) or publication (sound or print) or educational activity DEALING WITH EXPERIMENTAL NOTATION AND APPEARING WITH SPECIFIC REFEFERENCE TO THE YEAR 2000 (NOT NESCESSARILY WITHIN THAT YEAR).
Looking much forward to hearing from you out there - Yours Carl Bergstrøm-Nielsen :-)
* August: Denmark's Intuitive Music Conference will have "Notation" as its special theme.
* From Carl Bergstrøm-Nielsen, Denmark: IDEA OF ACTIVITY: NOTATION as the year 2000 theme of the Intuitive Music Conference taking place each year at Funen, Denmark. COMMENTS ETC.: ...speak to the eye and the world will listen... (seen in a camera ad)!
* From Reinhard Oehlschlaegel, Germany (music editor): COMMENTS ETC.: "Jubilees are meaningsless - like the popular interest in royal weddings"
* From Anders Brødsgaard, Denmark (teaches experimental notations at Conservatory of Odense, Denmark); COMMENTS ETC.: "brilliant idea"
* From Rasmus. B. Lunding, Denmark:
I´m afraid I can only sign the comment allready stated by Reinhard Oehlschlaegel. It only makes sense celebrating the year 2000 if one is a true believer in christianity, as it is expressed in the bibel-readings. Another thing is that jubilees and the like are ways to try and measure, materialize and quantize time that is actually inconsistent with a more organic and -to some of us more true time-experience -actually a feeling of time one often experience playing or listening to music, where seconds become minutes and minutes become hours so to speak. The mechanically measured time is a practical tool in everyday western life. But the year 2000 as such is merely a number, infact a coincidence. So why not let a infact very good idea flourish here and now instead?