DIMC Conference Discussion 2011

Present: Norbert Zajac, Paul Timmermans, Juan Maria Solare, Henrik Ehland Rasmussen, Ulrike Peyerl, Sylvia Hinz, Regine Leonore Birkner, Carl Bergstroem-Nielsen

The discussion touched upon these and more themes:

  • Individual significant DIMC experiences, both inside the programme and spontaneously formed ensembles outside it
  • The way improvised music makes us aware and spontaneous and possible methods to apply such "mindfulness" to classical music also

    Ulrike: Everybody should do this. We don't learn to feel.
    Sylvia: I always focus on myself and silence before I play

  • Improvised music - where are the "mekkas" (London Tokyo Berlin Wuppertal Wiesbaden were mentioned...)
  • Alienation as a result of lack of contemporary feeling in general music life

    Juan: Intuitive music is not alien ('Fremdkörper').
    Sylvia: The 'Wunderkind' (child prodigy) attitude is lessening all the time

  • Initiative and empathy during playing
  • The function of rules in improvisation

    Regine: I worked with some children - I proposed them to draw freely, but they wanted a theme. I then said "Paint an animal" and one said "Nooo! I want a flower!"
    Juan: What leads us to make coherent decisions?
    Paul: Rules are coming when you play, mostly unconscious. You need spirit and to follow your intention
    Regine: What makes improvisation without previous agreements function?
    Norbert: because of ping-pong [call and response; dialogical aspect]
    Sylvia: because of atmosphere



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