Cristian Amigo: 11 One-Minute Pieces (for any size ensemble)

As fast and as quietly as possible.

Something against your style or taste. 
Incorporate long silences.

isorhythms. Start and stop them. 
A visual image is cycles rotating at different speeds.

A section from a favorite piece of yours or from a
piece of yours, but with half the elements removed.

Mimic/imitate/sound/meditate on the phrase:
 “The Way asks nothing hard, but detests any 
picking or choosing.”

  - Seng-ts’an (c. 600) from the Hsin-Hsing-Ming 
(“Inscription on Trust in the Mind.”)

One note constantly repeated. Speed up and slow down. 
Vary the sound color. The theme is peace.

Do whatever you want, but without planning.

Perform an exact repetition of what you played 
as piece #7.

Don’t try to be the fastest.

Follow your breath


2 gestures. One is ppp; the other fff

3 gestures. pp.

:27 - :37
2 gestures; exact repetitions.

:38 - :48
7 gestures; all are variations of the preceding 3 gestures. 
4 are f. 3 are pp.

:49 – 1:00
9 gestures. ppp.

-Composed for and premiered at the 
2006 Denmark's Intuitive Music Conference in 
Svendborg, Denmark.

2) Peter Sterk: Flow for large ensemble

3) Excerpt from: Ivan E. Vincze: Stadtmauer-Glück für 1 oder 2 Solisten und ein Ensemble ad lib (2006) [Town Wall Happiness for 1 or 2 soloists and an ensemble ad lib]

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