CARL BERGSTRØM-NIELSEN - shareware compositions: Frameworks 1

This work is part of the series Frameworks 1-10 which has been published at Edition-S.


When an open process of improvising music turns into a set task such as coming together on specific kinds of sounds, on making pauses and precise shifts, a lot is happening with the attention of players to each other. This could provoke new inspiration - and maybe the pre-shaping could also catalyze new developments. FRAMEWORKS are based on the idea of giving just some few, but strategic, points of reference within flexibly defined sequences of elements. It is hoped that this can function in a "non-invasive" way for players, that is, without taking away the concentration from their own creative process. Plan as little as possible in advance and use no conducting. Please observe the explanation of common symbols stated before the pieces. "Ad lib." means "free".

The pieces originated in the context of Intuitive Music Group, Copenhagen, of which I am a member.

Below are some explanations and comments to the individual pieces made on the background of experiences with the pieces in various ensembles.

Carl Bergstrøm-Nielsen

Frameworks 1:

COMMENT THE PREVIOUS SECTION LOUDLY: players are individually to react in sound (loudly) to their impression of the music of the previous section.

STOP SUDDENLY TOGETHER: make the music stop suddenly. This is possible through common attention and maybe additionally eye-contact, maybe through a "shared not playing on" after a common, short rest. - Everybody need not be playing at the time of stopping, but fade-outs and the like are definitely to be avoided. Remember, no conducting, the decision must take place collectively.

The graphics inside the first and last elements are to be interpreted in a spontaneous way by players.

PRINTING OUT: The page format might not suit your printing needs. I recommend that you download the picture by right-clicking and storing on your computer, then take the picture into some suitable text or picture program to resize and maybe rotate it according to your printing needs. Likewise, the text may be copied seperately (by marking out with the mouse, then Ctr-C (=copy) and Ctr-V (=paste) into a text program.