Intuitive Music and Graphic Notation Courses etc.


Intuitive music courses for grown-up people is a real speciality with me. I have created this subject at Aalborg University, Denmark. It is about free improvisation, to use sounds and be independent of clichees and listening to each other. Normally there has been a limit of 12 participants.

Here are some places I have been:

1978 Music Conservatory of North Jutland, Denmark

1985 Danish Association for Music Therapy (several days)

1986 The Danish Film School (mixed course, several days, also about editing of sound)

1986 Pandrup Music School, North Jutland, Denmark

1986 Guest teacher at Johan Borghäll's summer course, Denmark (several days)

1989 Swedish Union of Music Therapists, Stockholm, Sweden (several days)

1990 SUKA (Special Education in Copenhagen area)

1990 Institute of Musicology, Copenhagen Univertsity, Denmark

1990 Gymnasium and Music School students, Växjö, Sweden (several days)

1991 Nordic Music Therapy Conference, Sandane, Norge

1994 Frederiksborg Amtsgymnasium

1994 Krakow Music Conservatory, Poland (several days)

1994 Danish Accordion Academy

1994 Music Conservatory of Funen (Carl Nielsen Academy), Odense, Denmark (several days)

1995 Musikpædagogisk Udviklingsprojekt, Middle of Jutland, Denmark

1995 3rd European Music Therapy Conference, Aalborg, Denmark

1995 Royal Music Conservatory of Copenhagen

1996 Art School Odsherred, Denmark - course for visual artists/designers (several days, special combined programme)

1996 Music Conservatory of North Jutland (several days)

1996 8th World Congress of Music Therapy, Hamburg

1998 Danish Union of Music Therapists, Skanderborg

1999 Soundplay Festival, Kawamotocho, Japan (several days)

2001 Flemish Association for Music Therapy, Mol-Postel (Belgien) (several days)

2001 Music Conservatory of Funen (Carl Nielsen Academy), Odense, Denmark (several days)

2001 Royal Music Conservatory of Copenhagen

2003 Sneglehuset (Kindergarten), Holte, Denmark (for employees)

2003 Novosibirsk State Conservatoire, Russia (several days)

2004 Bali Prospect Music, Odense, Denmark

2005 Skt. Jørgens Fritidshjem, København (for employees at after-school centre). Together wich Henrik Ehland Rasmussen

2005 4. Colloque International de pédagogie du basson, Angoulême, France

2005 Kobe University, Japan

2005 European Association of Music Therapy Students, Aalborg

2006 Liceo Eleonora D'Arborea, Cagliari, Italien

2007 Blaue Fabrik, Dresden

2007 Royal Music Conservatory of Copenhagen

2007 Intuitiva Festival, Wroclaw, Poland

2007 Det Kgl. Danske Musikkonservatorium, København

2008 Exploratorium Berlin (several days)

2009 6th Nordic Music Therapy Congress, Aalborg

2009 Japanese Free Improvisation Society, Tokyo

2009 Open Form Festival, Oslo (with Pauline Oliveros)

2010 Exeter University, England

2011 Institute of Musicology, Copenhagen University

2012 Royal Danish Conservatory of Music, Copenhagen

2014 Frei Festival, Krefeld, Germany

2014 Association of Swedish Composers, Stockholm

2015 Rhythmic Music Conservatory, Copenhagen (several days)

2016 Suzuki Institute, Copenhagen

2016 Frei Festival Krefeld, Germany

2016 Darmstadt Summer Courses, Open Space, Germany

2018 Frei Drei Festival, Krefeld, Germany

2018 Hiroshima University, Japan

2018 Soja City (near Okayama), Japan

2018 Takamatsu, Japan

- and innumerable times during the DIMC / Intuitiva / EIMC meetings.

Please click
Treatise with transscriptions from
workshops led by CBN:
- see pages 233-256


More than twelve can work together with graphic notation - there is no real limit to how many can sit and draw at a time. 60 has been maximum till now. Also this subject is developed and taught regularly by me at Aalborg University. It is not about playing but about analyzing and describing and being visually creative.


1995 Association of Danish Gymanisum Music Teachers (lecture with practical exercises)

1996 Associated teacher at Art School Odsherred, Denmark - course for visual artists/designers (several days, special combined programme)

1996 Berliner Arbeitsgruppe Qualitativer Musiktherapieforschung

1998 4th European Music Therapy Congress, Leuven, Belgium

2001 Flemish Association for Music Therapy, Mol-Postel (Belgien) (several days)

1998 Musiktherapeutikum Rendsburg (several days)

2005 Kobe University, Japan

2014 Music Education, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece



Have also been practised - as well as combinations.  



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